
Showing posts from January, 2016


                            POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING   CHIDAMBARAM HOSPITAL चिदंबरम अस्पताल, ചിദംബരം ഹോസ്പിറ്റൽ சிதம்பரம் மருத்துவமனை, திசையன்விளை.627657  How Is Postmenopausal Bleeding Treated?   Hysterectomy : Bleeding that cannot be treated in less invasive ways may require a hysterectomy. During a hysterectomy, your doctor will remove the patient’s uterus. The procedure may be done laparoscopically or through conventional abdominal surgery.   POSTMENOPAUSAL BLEEDING Normal vaginal bleeding is the periodic blood flow from the uterus. Normal vaginal bleeding is also called menorrhea. The process by which menorrhea occurs is called menstruation . In order to determine whether bleeding is abnormal, and its cause, the doctor must answer 3 questions: Is the woman pregnant ? What is the pattern of the ble...